Are you aware of the impact of menstrual health policies? Menstrual health is vital for the well-being of women and girls. Unfortunately, many lack access to necessary resources.

Governments can make significant changes to improve menstrual health access and education. This blog explores successful policies from around the world.

The Impact of Menstrual Health Policies

1. Removing the Stigma

Menstrual health awareness starts with education. Governments should launch menstrual hygiene awareness campaigns. These can teach girls and boys about periods, breaking down the stigma around periods. When children learn about menstruation early, they grow up understanding it is a natural process. This reduces shame and misinformation.

2. Providing Free Sanitary Products

Access to sanitary products is crucial. Many girls miss school during their periods due to a lack of supplies. Some countries have addressed this issue effectively.

For example, Scotland provides free sanitary products in schools and public buildings. New Zealand has a similar program in schools. These initiatives ensure that no girl has to miss her education due to her period.

3. Tax-Free Menstrual Products

Many countries still tax sanitary products. This makes them expensive for many women. Removing this tax can make these products more affordable.

Kenya was the first country to abolish taxes on menstrual products. Many other countries, like Canada and India, have followed suit. Tax-free menstrual products are a simple policy change that can make a big difference.

4. Improving Menstrual Health Facilities

Governments need to ensure schools and public places have proper facilities for menstrual hygiene. This includes clean water, private washrooms, and disposal systems for sanitary products. These improvements make it easier for girls to manage their periods with dignity.

5. Menstrual Health Education

Education about menstrual health should be part of the school curriculum. It should cover biological aspects and practical advice on managing periods.

In Zambia, a menstrual health education program has helped reduce absenteeism among girls. Such programs empower girls with knowledge and confidence.

White Notebook

Global Examples of Successful Policies

  • Scotland: Free sanitary products in schools and public places.
  • New Zealand: Free sanitary products in schools.
  • Kenya: No tax on menstrual products.
  • Zambia: Menstrual health education in schools.

Support Menstrual Health with the Utpat Foundation

At the Utpat Foundation, we believe in the power of awareness and education. We work to promote menstrual health awareness and break the stigma around periods. Join us and support our campaigns to ensure every girl has access to sanitary products and proper menstrual health education – contact us today!