Everyone experiences so many variations in their lives due to nature and nurture, that is in terms of genetic factors and environmental factors. Thus, a biological process like menstruation is definitely impacted by both of these factors.
Although roughly, a girl is supposed to get her periods every four weeks, approximately 4-5 days, this may not always be the case. There is no fixed algorithm that menstrual cycles follow. Everybody’s lifestyles are different and that can impact the patterns their bodies follow. They may continue to change throughout their lives depending on how their bodies change.
Depending on certain physical or psychological stresses, periods may be longer and heavier, other times they might be a hiatus and it might be off cycle entirely. Many famous athletes have vouched for the fact that intense physical exercise can result in cessation of menstruation or Amenorrhea for that period of time. If the intensity of the physical exercise is lower, the period might start again. Any sort of psychological stress too might manifest into the cessation of a period or how painful the period is. This is because stress impacts your hormone levels that control your period. The stress might come from academics like giving exams or the death of a loved one. The period might reset over time but if it doesn’t it’s probably best to seek medical attention for sure.
Another important aspect is nutrition. Girls who have eating disorders or malnourishment may experience irregularities in the menstruation. They might be very heavy and long or they may not come for a prolonged period of time. And of course genetic factors determine the patterns of menstruation.
Although I am no expert in the medical aspect of it, I just wanted to share my thoughts about the variations that girls go through about menstruation. Trust your instincts, seek help when needed and talk to someone if you sense that something doesn’t feel right. Don’t try to rationalize it or take care of it by yourself. Eat and sleep well. Exercise and don’t take too much stress and make sure to keep track of your periods. Make sure to take care of yourselves as well.